Tag Archives: feelings

The Ground Glass


“The moral inventory . . .

has the effect of taking

the ground glass out

of us, the emotional

substance that still

cuts and inhibits.”


As Bill Sees It      p. 140


The cut is the guilt, the shame, the remorse,

those feelings the drunk should have, but doesn’t,

at least not until he tries to get sober.

Love the A.A. saying:

the good news and the bad news of getting sober:

first the good news, you get your feelings back,

now for the bad news, you get your feelings back.

Remember: pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Today, work the steps thoroughly

and learn to move on with living.

Recovery is removing the emotional substance

that still cuts and inhibits.

Sobriety is a blessing from a Higher Power.


ME and the Boss









To A New Freedom


” I can remember

how the agonies

of alcoholism,

the pain of rebellion,

and the thwarted pride,

have often led me

to God’s grace,

and so to a new freedom.”


As Bill ‘Sees It       p 266



Those feelings which caused the most horrible

emotional pains; the feelings of isolation, resentment,

anger, hurt pride, and the uncontrollable urge to drink more.

Stuff the feelings, one drink will do just fine. (NOT)

Doing as the Steps suggest we learn a new way of thinking,

a positive pathway to becoming the person you

and your Higher Power know you can become.

Forgiveness, one of the many of God’s graces allows

the soul to move into the light of being positive.

Today, forgive, you do not have to forget, but move on to a place

where positive will give your life a new freedom.

Recovery is being led to God’s grace.

Sobriety is a blessing from a Higher Power.


ME and the Boss







